Fundamental of Physics


Wave and Photon



Video Clip Introduction

WA. Fundamental of Wave WB. Photon WC. Kong Vector

WD. Energy of Photon

WE. Behaviors of Photon    





From the chapter "Fundamental of Physics", we quote that wave is a substance that contains magnetic and electric (M&E) field. Wave is named as the kinetic-time-energy.


Wave can become mass and mass can become wave. Both wave and mass are interchangeable. Therefore, both shall possess the same ‘ingredients’, which are nothing but the M&E fields.


This topic of ‘Wave and Photon’ is divided into 5 chapters. These 5 chapters cover the most important fundamental and basic understanding about wave. Once the fundamental principle of wave is captured, all the questions about the wave can be solved easily.


The first chapter discusses about the fundamental of wave. It gives a brief conceptual of the wave. The properties, the energy, the intensity and the power of wave are introduced with the new alternative approaches. It also discusses about the travel medium of wave. There are some shortcomings, which will be pointed out in this chapter about the wave base on the conventional wave model. This chapter also discusses about the cavity radiation, which radiation due to the edge effect of cavity.


The second chapter discusses about the photon, which is the quantized wave-packet. A detail description about the photon is presented. The size of photon is derived using the finite Gaussian surface. The energy, the intensity and the power of wave is defined in term of quantified particle-like photons.


The third chapter discusses about the Kong vector. The Kong vector plays an important role to determine the characteristic of photon. All the behaviors of photon only depend on one reason, which is the Kong vector.


Chapter ‘WD’ discusses about the energy of photon in detail, where the photon energy can be divided to the kinetic and potential energy. The photon loses energy through particle-like collision. This phenomenon is explained by the Compton Effect. The energy of photon is transferred to the collided particle. The momentum of photon and the momentum conservation principle are discussed.


The last chapter discusses about the behaviors of photons, namely the refraction, reflection, diffraction and interference. It explains on the methodology of the Kong vector in producing the phenomena. This chapter also describes the momentum conservation of photon in each behavior.


Up to this stage, the readers shall be able to have a better and deeper understanding of the wave. The readers shall be able to relate and find out more things that can be explained with the wave model given. Wave has nothing except the structure of M&E field and time, which are virtual.





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This website is originated on 15-Mar-2007,

updated on 4-Jan-2009.

Copyright © 2009 by Kok-Haw Kong

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