Wisdomism Politic Wisdomism Economic Wisdomism Social


1.0 The Weakness of Democracy 2.0 Wisdomism Politic 3.0 Possible Failures for Wisdomism Politic




In order to achieve Wisdomism in political section, a good system is important. Wisdomism Politic (WP) is a new political or a country management model. The decision making, the missions and the visions of the country are depending on the wisdom, in stead of the majority or the leaders. This chapter describes the weaknesses of the Democracy system and the advantages of the WP. The country management group (CMG) is not elected by the majority of the public, but through wisdom evolution process.





1)      To highlight the weaknesses of the Democracy ideology.

2)      To describe the characteristic of the Wisdomism Politic.

3)   To point out the possible failures of implementing the Wisdomism Politic.







Generally, the fundamental features of democracies include government based on majority rule and the consent of the governed, the existence of free and fair elections, the protection of political minorities, respect for basic human rights, equality before the law and political pluralism.



1.1        The Weaknesses of Majority Driven


Democracy system is only good when the majority is religious driven or possesses high wisdom. The majority is still able to make the decisions base on the recommendations from Bibles and Al-Quran. However, in this current situation where the religious level has become lower and the wisdom level of humans is getting lower, democracy becomes a dangerous ideology.


Long after World War II, many new born wealthy citizens never learn from the sufferance and obstacles, the trend of the human thinking has shifted. The humans become self-beneficiary and self-caring, the level of wisdom is deteriorating.


If an adult is categorized as a child in Wisdomism Social (WS) and if he cannot make a good decision and direction for himself during daily routine, how can he make the good decisions for the country. If the majority of the people of the country are categorized as children, how can they make the good decisions for the country. This is one of the weaknesses in democracy system.


The majority decision may become dangerous when the majority has low wisdom. If the majority is terrorists, the country will support terrorism. If the majority is extremists, the country will support extremity. If the majority want to grab the wealth from other countries, the economic war will be activated.


These are the weaknesses of the majority decision when the direction of the country is determined by the majority who has low wisdom.



1.2        The Weaknesses of Parties Model and Elections


In democracy, the government is formed through elections. The election candidates are recommended by the president of the parties. The elected representatives will become the parliamentary representatives. The party who obtain the majority seats will form the government and the president of the parties will become the president of the country.


Parliamentary democracy is where the government is appointed by the parliamentary representatives. Under a parliamentary democracy, government is exercised by delegation to an executive ministry and subject to ongoing review, checks and balances by the legislative parliament elected by the people.


Due to these circumstances, it creates many weaknesses, such as,


1)      The government is one-sided or pro to present party. The present government will do something good and benefit to its party so that they can continues to control the government.


2)      The parties and politicians are only active near election and may not performing well in between.


3)      It creates a discouraging and pro-negative thinking environment where all the parties are digging and pin-pointing mistakes, but not contributing.


4)      The politicians are creating rumors and misleading the citizens.


5)      The parties and politicians are giving empty promises during election.


6)      It may happened that most of the votes are party driven, not representatives driven.


7)      The president of party may overuse this power where he may select the group of people who support him without considering the abilities of the representatives.


8)      The president of party may eliminate the good competitors and selected the group of supporters who may not intelligent and low wisdom in order to strengthen this status and power.


9)      The representatives may not result oriented and abilities driven, but pro-party.


10)  The government may not educate the citizens to the correct mentality and create the awareness but to beautify the party and politicians in order to protect and strengthen their position.


The election candidates are selected by the party, the citizens do not always deal with the candidates. The citizens will not know the actual character and capability of the candidates.







Democracy is not a good ideology when the majority has low wisdom. If the majority cannot make the good decisions in their life, how can they make the good decisions for the country.


Wisdomism Politic (WP) is a new ideology for political model, which able to overcome the weaknesses of Democracy system. WP is support by the wisdomism society. The management of the country is governed by the Country Management Group (CMG).


In WP, the management and directions of the country is still depending by the society but in a different manner. From Wisdomism Social (WS), the society is categorized to few different groups base on the level of wisdom, ranging from baby to old man. Different groups of citizens have different rights and roles. Those who categorized as adult and above have the rights to withdraw the leaders. Those who categorized as old man have the rights to determine the mission and vision of the country.



2.1        Country Management Group


CMG is different from the Parliamentary Government. It is not elected by the citizens. The group is formed by the people who are intelligent, experienced, educated and possess high wisdom.


CMG consists of the Coordinator, Ministers and Old Men. The Coordinator and Old Men are the independent bodies. The Old Men determine the missions and visions of the country. The Coordinator is to coordinate among the Ministers and to monitor the activities by the Ministers.


The Highest Documentary of WP is the Wisdomism. The whole managements and operations of the country is determined and governed by the wisdom.



2.2        The Differences Between Democracy and Wisdomism Politic


Below are the brief descriptions and comparisons between Democracy and WP.


I.        The Government




Wisdomism Politic

Management Body


Country Management Group



Normally 5 years once.

The election is named Voting Survey (VS). But both are different in nature.


At any time. The VS is initiated by citizens and monitored by the voting committee.


Participation of citizens

Only during elections.


Majority votes and seats determine the winning party to form the government.

Anytime in VS.


Citizens do not have the rights to select the Minister or Coordinator. But have the rights to withdraw or reject any Ministers or Coordinator from his duty when majority in VS.


Voting Qualification

Adult (Normally 21 year-old and above)

Adult (regardless of age, but wisdom dependent)


The Missions and Visions of the Country

Determine by the winning party or the leader.


Determine by the old men.

The Highest Documentary

Federal or State Law.


Persons with Highest Power

The Leader.


Citizens, only during elections.


Adults and above. At all time.



II.     The Leader




Wisdomism Politic

Leader of the Country

President / Prime Minister



Hirachy in the Management Body


Independent Body

Selection of Leader

The president of the party who win the majority votes.

Candidates are nominated and selected by the Ministers.


Candidates are normally the Vice Minister. Ministers are not allowed to participate in the coordinator nomination.


The candidates shall have more experience in different fields or ministries.


Coordinator election is carried out among all the Ministers and old man. The election process is observed by citizens.


The role of leader

To manage the country and to chair the parliament.


Able to make decision on behalf of the citizens for the country.


To determine the directions, the missions and visions of the country.


Has the power to change and to manage the Ministers or staffs.


Does not have the power to make decision for the country. But can study, analyze and recommend for the best decisions to Ministers.


To monitor and coordinate among the Ministers.


To delegate fund to other Ministries which recommended by the economists and finance Ministry.


To report, highlight issues and give recommendations to the citizens.


To coordinate, manage and rule the country base on the missions and visions set by the citizens.


Each recommendation made shall be reported and announced to the Old Men.


Duty Period

Normally 5 years per session, may or may not have time limit of sessions.


Maximum 3 years per session. Not allow to duty for continues two sessions, but possible for alternate session.


May be withdrawn by the citizens at anytime if weak performance.


Characteristic of the Leader

Intelligent and supported by many supports in the party.


Many years of experiences in politic and long in the party.


President of the party.


Intelligent and possess high wisdom.


Must work and possess experiences in different Ministries.


Recommended and seconded by the Ministers.


Possess good Emotional Quotient, management skills and capable.




III.   The Sub-Leader




Wisdomism Politic





Hirachy in Management Body

Below Leader.

Below citizens.

Selection of Sub-Leaders

Won in election and selected by the Leader.


Vote and selected by the staffs of the Ministry.

The role of sub-leader

To manage the Ministry.


Able to make decision for his ministry.


To determine the directions, missions and visions of the ministry.


Have the power to change and manage the staffs of the ministry.



To manage the Ministry.


Able to make decision for his ministry.



To undertake and implement the recommendations by the Leaders.


To determine the directions, missions and visions of the ministry.


Have the power to change and manage the staffs of the ministry.


To be monitored by the Coordinator.


To report and highlight issues to the citizens.


Duty Period

Normally 5 years per session, may or may not have time limit of sessions.



Must won in the election.


Maximum 3 years per session. Not allow to duty for continues two sessions, but possible for alternate session.


May be withdrawn by the citizens at anytime if weak performance.


Characteristic of The Sub-Leader

Selected by the President of party.


Supporting the President.


Intelligent and possess high wisdom.


Must possess educated background at the same field.


Good performance in the Ministry.


Possess good Emotional Quotient, management skills and capable.




IV.  The Law Making Procedure




Wisdomism Politic

Law Making Procedure

1)      Initiate by the Ministers with supporting documents,

2)      Debate and second in Parliament,

3)      Announce by the Leader,

4)      Publish and enforce.

1)      Initiate by the Ministers with supporting documents.

2)      Publish to public for information.

3)      Debate and second in CMG meetings.

4)      Announce by the Leader.

5)      Publish and enforce.




2.3        The Highest Documentary and Law


Although the final destination of Wisdomism is lawless, in between, the law is still necessary and required to prevent the low-wisdom-humans to misuse their rights.


In WP, the highest documentary is Wisdomism. Wisdomism overrules all the enforced laws. This is to prevent mis-interpretation of the laws. In any case where the defenders do not violate the laws, but deviate from the principle of Wisdomism, they shall be prosecuted. The deviation of the Wisdomism is determined by the majority Old Men and observed by the adults.


The citizens have the rights to withdraw or reject any laws that is not appropriate.







There are some possibilities of failures in implementing WP. The failures may due to the group of intelligent leaders but without wisdom who are not willing to lose their power and control of the country. The reason is the leaders want to grab the wealth from the country for self beneficiary. Normally, the leaders will eliminate the good competitors and select the group of supporters who are low in wisdom and favor to them. This is a devolution process. Due to these reasons, the country is slow and stop growing, disabling the society and the mentality of the citizens.







Wisdomism Politic is a new evolved ideology which has many advantages compares to other ideologies. There are many weaknesses on Democracy system when the majority has low wisdom. There are also many weaknesses for parties-election system. In Democracy, the citizens only utilize their rights every 5 years during a short period of elections and their rights are weak in between elections. The directions of the country are not determined the citizens, but mostly by the leaders and their groups.


Wisdomism shall be introduced, encouraged, promoted and adopted to achieve a better organization and management of the country.





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This website is originated on 15-Nov-2007.

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